Please review the website, my affordable prices on the services page, and my résumé samples to verify the quality of my work before you order. Then call or email me to set up a firm interview appointment and tell me which services you are interested in. Note: I am well-known nationally for superior results so it is normal for me to be booked solid one week in advance. Payment is required at the time of the interview so bring your checkbook, cash, CashApp, or use to cover it. Average assignments take 1-2 business days to complete. My office hours are Monday to Friday 10 am to 9 pm CST.
Contact info: Phone 469.540.0455 or [email protected], No social media messaging or texting please! Yes, there's a plethora of social media platforms and texting apps, but I do not have a staff to monitor all of them. Thank you for understanding that I am already extremely busy and I need to stay focused on being productive.
I work by appointment only because I am always booked in advance. Priority is always given to clients who have paid in full for obvious reasons. Details on my satisfaction guarantee and goof proof process are on the Services page and in the FAQ page. All my affordable prices are always shown on the services page.
Step 1: Email me your résumé and your #1 and #2 most desired job title goals. I will be able to advise you better and give you a proper estimate when I have it to refer to when you call (to set an appointment [email protected]). This gives me a chance to verify that I am the right man for the job (I don't know astrophysics, quantum physics or particle physics, but I sure know business, education, health care, nonprofit etc.). *** Call me for gift certificates, it's your choice on the amount. ***
Step 2: Please give my website a good review before you call me. (This way you know you are working with a genuine High-Performance Résumé Writer, not a cheap and fast typist.) Then, call me to set your appointment for an in-depth interview at 469.540.0455. I offer affordable excellence and all my prices are posted on my services page.
Step 3: An in depth personal interview directly with your Certified Professional Résumé Writer. Payment is due for services immediately after your personal interview. (Remember this is a customized service business where excellence rules, we cannot sell your documents to someone else if you don't pay.) If you desire something other than what this HPRW deems best and most effective, please make that request in advance and I will accommodate you.
Step 4: Writing begins. Email me any missing documentation or info ASAP. Be alert for fact checking questions via email.
Step 5: Document delivery, typically 3-4 business days later. Longer for 4-5 business days for executives/high income earners and highly specialized niche/IT/Technical professionals. Carefully review all documents for possible minor revisions that only you would catch as an expert in your industry. A diligent effort is made to produce powerful and effective documents on the first send including using a professional proofreader. All documents may be edited instantly on your own PC by the way.
Step 6: Notify via email of any possible revisions if needed (anyone advertising flawless documents every single time is nuts). Any minor revisions are completed promptly within 24 hours.
Step 7: Work on getting your career documents into the hands of employers who can hire you. To ensure you have more success in this area, I wrote a game-changing job search eBook.
Darrell Z. DiZoglio, Certified Professional Résumé Writer ~ Executive Résumé Writer ~ Job Search Coach ~ North Dallas, Texas ~ Mobile: 469.540.0455 ~ [email protected]
Contact info: Phone 469.540.0455 or [email protected], No social media messaging or texting please! Yes, there's a plethora of social media platforms and texting apps, but I do not have a staff to monitor all of them. Thank you for understanding that I am already extremely busy and I need to stay focused on being productive.
I work by appointment only because I am always booked in advance. Priority is always given to clients who have paid in full for obvious reasons. Details on my satisfaction guarantee and goof proof process are on the Services page and in the FAQ page. All my affordable prices are always shown on the services page.
Step 1: Email me your résumé and your #1 and #2 most desired job title goals. I will be able to advise you better and give you a proper estimate when I have it to refer to when you call (to set an appointment [email protected]). This gives me a chance to verify that I am the right man for the job (I don't know astrophysics, quantum physics or particle physics, but I sure know business, education, health care, nonprofit etc.). *** Call me for gift certificates, it's your choice on the amount. ***
Step 2: Please give my website a good review before you call me. (This way you know you are working with a genuine High-Performance Résumé Writer, not a cheap and fast typist.) Then, call me to set your appointment for an in-depth interview at 469.540.0455. I offer affordable excellence and all my prices are posted on my services page.
Step 3: An in depth personal interview directly with your Certified Professional Résumé Writer. Payment is due for services immediately after your personal interview. (Remember this is a customized service business where excellence rules, we cannot sell your documents to someone else if you don't pay.) If you desire something other than what this HPRW deems best and most effective, please make that request in advance and I will accommodate you.
Step 4: Writing begins. Email me any missing documentation or info ASAP. Be alert for fact checking questions via email.
Step 5: Document delivery, typically 3-4 business days later. Longer for 4-5 business days for executives/high income earners and highly specialized niche/IT/Technical professionals. Carefully review all documents for possible minor revisions that only you would catch as an expert in your industry. A diligent effort is made to produce powerful and effective documents on the first send including using a professional proofreader. All documents may be edited instantly on your own PC by the way.
Step 6: Notify via email of any possible revisions if needed (anyone advertising flawless documents every single time is nuts). Any minor revisions are completed promptly within 24 hours.
Step 7: Work on getting your career documents into the hands of employers who can hire you. To ensure you have more success in this area, I wrote a game-changing job search eBook.
Darrell Z. DiZoglio, Certified Professional Résumé Writer ~ Executive Résumé Writer ~ Job Search Coach ~ North Dallas, Texas ~ Mobile: 469.540.0455 ~ [email protected]