WELCOMEGreat news, as a Certified Professional Résumé Writer/Expert Executive Résumé Writer and Job Search & Career Coach in North Dallas Texas, I have over served over 11,500 clients in Dallas Fort Worth Texas and across the US since 2004. My specialty is serving high-income earners, Managers/leaders and executives in virtually any industry, however I take care of plenty of Sales Executives, Truck Drivers, Medical Professionals, Tradesmen, new college graduates and grad school graduates as well.
Winners know you must invest in your own success to beat the competition, get ahead and generally winners are the people who appreciate my services most. Let's face it, some new graduate school graduates with a M.S. are hired at third-fourth tier employers at $50,000/year and some are hired at $129K salaries at top tier employers despite having the same skills, knowledge and abilities, the same education and same experience. So, yes your career documents must build your value, demonstrate your value, market you and sell you effectively. If you prefer to be winning from the beginning, hire me. I thrived as an Executive Résumé Writer and Certified Professional Résumé Writer during the 2007 mass layoffs, 2008-2009 Financial Crisis, the Great Recession 2009-2013, and the Coronavirus Lockdowns of 2020-2022, despite the staggeringly high layoffs/unemployment rates nationwide during these challenging times. That's when I became famous from coast to coast for my clients' great results and earning the #1 Ranking for Resume Writing Expertise Nationwide on LinkedIn.com for 5 years in a row. I absolutely love to help others in a meaningful and significant way, so I am still here helping my clients get hired pronto. If you are a winner or would like to be soon, I cordially invite you to experience what very few others ever will, a top 1-5% résumé, cover letter and LinkedIn profile combination written by a well-known expert at the top of the résumé writing profession. After struggling for many months or years with subpar results, most professionals will eventually realize that all the top-tier employers in attractive or high-growth industries demand that you distinguish yourself with a Righteous Résumé to earn interviews and advance in the hiring process. Thus, almost all successful professionals/leaders/executives today know enough to order a Righteous Résumé before they need one, so they can take full advantage of every single advancement/career opportunity that comes their way. It is not merely an admission ticket, it serves as a convincing career summary that builds your value (think starting salary), illustrates your performance level, and credentials while it makes you flat out irresistible to employers. When you can articulate the return on investment from hiring you properly you will earn a much better starting salary/total compensation package year after year. Selling you to employers is my specialty. In case you do not know me yet, please take a few minutes to review this website and samples because there is no substitute for expertise in this ultra-competitive job market. You will find answers, and plenty of information here. In summary, "I am a Christian Soldier in the war on poverty, despair and unemployment. My words are your sword and shield. I will be your champion through Christ who strengthens me." Here's a summary of the feedback I receive from my clients: We were hired quick. Yes, 95% of my clients actively seeking employment are hired within 90 days versus the normal 12-18 months. If this sounds implausible, you have never had a top 1%-5% résumé aka Righteous Résumé. Most résumés rate less than 65% in employers' minds today as writing, editing and proofreading skills have declined, relevant keywords are required now for ATS and selling yourself on paper is virtually impossible for most, regardless of IQ. We earned a 18% to 33% increase in total compensation including bonuses. We earned multiple offers and picked the best opportunity/offer. We advanced to the next level, advanced into management, the executive suite or attained a seat on the Board of Directors. We brought renewed confidence, self-worth and a positive attitude into all of our employment interviews thanks to your in-depth personal interview with me. Our interviews went much better and were more positive because we earned the employers' respect by positioning ourselves as a valuable resource integral to their success. We were hired by a TOP-TIER EMPLOYER/FORTUNE 500 EMPLOYER with a much better salary, benefits package and retirement benefits (401K matching, stock options, tuition assistance, pensions with COLAs etc.). We transitioned into a new career/field successfully or escaped an industry in a downturn. At RighteousResumes.com our artisan résumés outclass all others in content, technology (think performance in online databases, employer screening and with advanced Boolean searches) writing, sales and marketing and performance simultaneously. I know this because I am hired to correct/rewrite those "useless typed work histories" that come from the fast & cheap typists and corporate résumé mills daily. (Hint, if you do not know your writer, all their qualifications/skill level and are not personally interviewed in-depth, your résumé is merely a type-written work history that is full of boring responsibilities (useless), or it was delegated to the lowest bidder (typist) overseas via email. The result is not going to be anything that would impress employers here in America.) My advice is to invest in your future success, go directly to an expert résumé writing specialist with real credentials, great reviews and resume samples posted to review. You deserve to prosper. Since 2004, my goal has been to help you succeed while remaining secure as the gold standard of résumé writing and résumé performance. The magnificent seven outcomes (above) do not come from cheap typists, résumé mills, do it yourself résumés or résumé software/builders (a total scam, software cannot sell you, market you, build your value, target content, execute SEO, include keywords, write, edit or proofread). My clients' results will continue to be miles ahead of my peers because I am an Executive Résumé Writer, Certified Professional Résumé Writer, hiring Manager/Business Owner and Copywriter with over 30 years of experience in sales and marketing (an expert in sales writing, marketing, recruiting and hiring from professional experience). Yes, I have the ability to sell you into your next career position, increase your earnings and advance your career by motivating top-tier employers to hire you. My skills, talents and abilities cover all four of those areas because I have excelled in each role. Why do employers always pick the top 5% of résumés vs. candidates for interviews? Passion, desire, enthusiasm and native intelligence cannot be taught. You demonstrate that you are fully invested in your career by giving them proof of your passion and brains in the form of a Righteous Résumé (a highly effective filtering mechanism employers use to ensure the success of their company and the certainty of their own annual bonuses and promotions). Let me explain it to you this way, "Why should I hire good people for my company, when I can receive 200% to 300% more performance by hiring only the best and most motivated people? Yes, this is exactly how employers/business executives/owners really think. Compare my own résumé (on Samples page) with yours side-by-side just like a hiring committee does after each interview once you've printed it out on paper (set printer to high-quality printing). My humble CPRW résumé may be only one page, but it packs a mighty punch and compels hiring managers/executives to invite me for interviews and advance me to the job offer stage pronto. I guarantee that I will sell you to employers with the same expertise, verve and intelligence as I sell myself here on this website. By the way, it took me 29 years of professional writing/editing experience to get to this level, so don't think for a minute this is a do-it-yourself project, especially if you're an executive, manager or high-income earner (read info article below for more info). Hmmm, I wonder why other Résumé Writers never put their own resumes on their websites so clients can review them? A Who Is Search or Internet Archive Search will verify my business has been online since 2008, so I am the real deal. Previously, I only marketed to clients in newspaper classified ads because I had plenty of work/existing clients since I have worked as a freelance Copywriter since 1991. That means I can market and sell you better than anyone with my words that sell. Yet, I remain an affordable expert at $55/hour, $75/hour for high-income earners/executives and $100/hour for expert career coaching/job search coaching/career transition coaching services. |
This is your life. Are you who you want to be?
Is it everything you dreamed?
"Why just hope for success when you can guarantee it with a Righteous Résumé, Cover Letter and Linkedin profile?"
"If you do not invest in you who will?"
"If not now when?"
Click here to learn more about our Founder, High Performance Résumé Writer and Editor in Chief.
Offices located in
N. Dallas, Texas Phone: 469.540.0455 [email protected] Darrell Z. DiZoglio Executive Résumé Writer Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW) & Editor in Chief Serving professionals nationwide since 2004. |
The 8 Popular Résumé Writing Myths That Still Halt All Job Search Progress in 2025!
By Darrell DiZoglio, CPRW copyright 10/26/2024 all rights reserved
Here we are in Oct. 2024, smack in the middle of another recession in the fifth year of mass nationwide layoffs, yet some folks still do not get it. These ruinous mass layoffs caused by mergers & acquisitions, offshoring, outsourcing, nearshoring, corporate downsizing, robotics, automation, and AI have already continued for five consecutive years. Well, someone has to have the knowledge, foresight, and experience to tell you how to avoid 12-24 months of unemployment, so please pay attention. I hate to see professionals losing all their savings, hope, and confidence, so please excuse me for being brutally honest here. Unemployment is financially, emotional and mentally draining. That is bad enough, but this also results in a sizable employment gap on your resume, which compounds the problem by making you the candidate even less attractive to employers. Thus, we need to focus on how to have a productive job search. Your job search should always start with a Righteous Résumé that caters to exactly what hiring managers want because a solid foundation is essential.
Myth 1: The most popular myth about résumés is that a résumé is just a typewritten document, so I should shop for the cheapest priced résumé service in town or online resume builder. Oh my, No. Let's suppose you earn or want to earn a healthy income, who will help you impress the hiring committee most? Who will help you earn multiple job offers and the highest salary? Who will help you secure a job with a top tier employer? Who will assist you secure employment rapidly? Would it be the cheapest resume writer you can find or the best resume writer you can find? Would Google Search have 60 million search results for Resume Service if professional Writers/Editors could be replaced by cheap résumé builder software/online resume builder software? Hiring a great Certified Professional Résumé Writer is an investment in your future success that will pay for itself many times over. Your new résumé is also reusable and tax deductible.
Myth 2: The second most common myth about résumé and cover letters in 2015 is that anyone can and should write their own. No way, today every smart professional that earns a healthy income hires the best Certified Professional Résumé Writer they can because their family's livelihood depends on a consistent income. If that myth were true, 92% of all the résumés would not be dishwater weak, dull or merely average. Certified Professional Résumé Writers are still thriving because the candidate/professional with the best marketing and advertising always wins.
Myth 3: The third most common myth about résumés and cover letters in 2015 is that merely average is good enough. Consider this: Your competitors are using professionally written résumés and cover letters already. How does your résumé compare when viewed side by side in comparison? Here's a hint, if you are like most professionals you overlook proper formatting, keywords/SEO, editing, proofreading, great content, value building, effective selling, and what hiring executives want to see in an ideal candidate. The best way to answer this question is to email your current resume to a Certified Professional Resume Writer asking for a free resume review. Consider it a blessing (reality check) that will save you 12-18 months of wasted effort.
Myth 4: The fourth most common myth, which still persists in 2025 is that the automated spell check will catch all the errors for me. Wrong! How can a spell checker know if your email address or mobile phone number is correct or not? Recently I saw "VP of Virtue Realty Entertainer Division" instead of VP of Virtual Reality Entertainment Division on an executive's resume right at the top. He used the spell checker alright, but those words are spelled correctly. The result is an epic failure and several months without interviews. He didn't see it because he knew what he meant and the colored lines underneath that indicate errors were gone in Microsoft Word after the spell check was completed. So many errors such as logical, numerical, contact info, verb tense, syntax, and homonym errors are not caught with a spell checker. Homonyms are words that sound the same but are spelled differently (e.g. two or too and their, there or they're).
Avoid fatal spelling, logic and grammar errors because they will cause employers and recruiters to give you the cold shoulder (yes, no calls/emails for interviews is rejection). Most professionals are blissfully unaware that automated spell checkers only catch 44% of errors in spelling, grammar and logic. When it comes to typing anything with numbers, industry jargon, abbreviations or medical terminology that percentage drops like a rock. Then these spelling & grammar checkers rely on your "editing knowledge" to make corrections (a fatal flaw as most professionals only have 10th grade writing skills).
Myth 5: The fifth most common myth is that résumé builders are helpful for those seeking careers that pay more than $50,000 annually. In reality, those heavily advertised automated résumé builders and cheap and fast typists only produce typewritten work histories or pathetically weak resumes. Unless you are looking for low-paying work with third-tier employers, I urge you to avoid them like the plague. Great résumé writers have never worked for peanuts and never will. Expect to invest in your future and cough up the dough it takes to create and develop a great résumé. Your résumé is the single most important document you own. Use your God-given intelligence and act accordingly.
Myth 6: A résumé is only a brief typed work history that goes back ten years so I can hire any Typist to do it. Wrong, again. It's a powerful career document that is designed to build your value, market and sell to employers/hiring committees. Today, almost everyone that wants to earn over $50,000 annually will invest in a Certified Professional Résumé Writer. That means your career documents will be compared side-by-side with the best in a pass or fail competition for 3-5 rounds of interviews until you are hired.
Myth 7: Résumés are supposed to be all about your responsibilities. Ugh! This is a most persistent myth indeed. Accomplishments, awards, team awards, great results, cost savings generated, improvements in efficiency, productivity and accuracy, goals met/surpassed, complimentary bonus skills, fluency in foreign languages etc. all are far more important than mere responsibilities. Employers stopped looking for worker bees in the 1990s, when the US became the most productive workforce in the world. Now, they are looking for employees who can make significant and lasting contributions.
Myth 8: Employers Like/Want Résumés Written by AI. First off, this is the same fraud against consumers when they advertised this in the 1990s, "Never ever bother with the hassle of writing and editing your résumé again with our advanced résumé software for only $39.95..." Yes, AI can scan the WWW find other ordinary-weak résumés posted online and copy them. Then AI will provide you with a dishwater weak typed work history focused on boring responsibilities. However, none of that content will be strong enough to actually impress hiring committees. AI cannot write your unique value proposition, it cannot demonstrate your value, it will not build your value, and it will not sell you in a convincing and compelling manner to the hiring committee/executive hiring committee. Maybe in ten years, maybe! Yes, the text will be formatted nicely, but we've had attractive styles/templates forever. Obviously, with résumés, it's always the high-quality content that is king! The content in your résumé is what hiring committees use to determine what your starting salary/compensation package will be. This is why the Wall Street Journal Online (WSJ) just published an insightful article where they interviewed several employers to get their feedback on AI written résumés. Hiring managers were able to identify AI written résumés very quickly and disregarded them. Your résumé and cover letter are a test of your communicating, focusing, critical thinking, problem solving, selling, writing, editing, and proofreading abilities. That's why employers have required them for over 80 years now.
Another essential part of résumé writing is search engine optimization and keyword density through keyword research and inclusion. It is no longer enough to merely submit a résumé and cover letter to an Internet website or an employer's database. It must come up in the advanced Boolean search results. Without enough keyword density, no human eyeballs will ever get to read it.
Your résumé must rank in the top five percent of the employer's database search results because otherwise you will be invisible. Consider when you search for something yourself using Google, Bing and Yahoo, who looks any further than the first page or second page of search results? I can assure you busy hiring managers do not. Today, you really have to earn the right to be hired more than ever because modern technology and the Internet makes it easier than ever for out of state job hunters to be hired. Fortunately, you can hire a great Certified Professional Résumé Writer, not a company or service because you want to know exactly who is writing and editing your résumé and what their credentials are.
If you cannot sell yourself on paper, delegate the task to an expert avoid the dreaded financial consequences (extended unemployment, depression, bankruptcy, poverty, divorce, auto repossessions, evictions, foreclosures etc.). In this job market, selling and marketing yourself successfully on paper is a mission critical priority you just cannot ignore. Most professionals/executives are completely unaware of this fact. Did you even know that only the top five percent of résumés not candidates are selected for interviews? Logically, this means employers actually reject 95% of résumés submitted.
Résumé writing is a daunting challenge for nearly everyone, so delegate your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile writing to the #1 Résumé Writing Expert in the Nation at http://RighteousResumes.com. You will be so glad you did.
Writing Your Own Résumé Can Cost You $35,000+
By Darrell Z. DiZoglio of http://RighteousResumes.com Copyright 2019 by Darrell DiZoglio, all rights reserved.
Guidance and assistance from a Certified Professional Résumé Writer will allow you to overcome those job search hurdles. Should you have one of the many résumé challenges like changing careers or transitioning from the military to a civilian career, do not even dream of writing your own résumé. Some other complex challenges would include: Immigrants, limited command of English or writing, employment gaps, career changes, very competitive fields, just rejoining workforce after taking care of the family, a challenging niche/industry, frequent job changes, frequent temporary/contract work, self-employed transitioning to employed, technical résumés, executive résumés, too modest to market and sell yourself, too ordinary and industry downturn challenges.
We have faced these challenges before. We researched them, trained for them and solved them repeatedly, so take advantage of our affordable expertise. Remember all our fees are tax deductible as job hunting expenses including job search coaching. More importantly, we are here to help.
It seems that most job hunters today are blissfully unaware that subpar to ordinary résumés and Linkedin profiles merely put them in the employer's database with of tens of thousands of other candidates. Ironically, employers have never been more fixated on hiring only the top 5% of candidates. That is a big disconnect. This is why I am dedicated to giving away free expert advice, tips and strategies that are proven to assist job hunters on HowToFindWorkNow.org. My mission is to be a Christian Soldier in the war on poverty.
Résumés and cover letters that are merely ordinary do not get the job done, especially in this job market. As a hiring manager and a recruiter for over a decade, I insisted on hiring the best talent available. I quickly came to the realization that 95% of folks just do not know their résumé and/or Linkedin profile is either mediocre or dreadful when compared next to an excellent one. When you hire a Certified High-Performance Résumé Writer, you can expect plenty of emails/calls for employment interviews.
When you invest in a professionally written résumé from an expert résumé writer, you can expect to earn a higher salary because our mission is to build your value and show your return on investment. Best of all, most of my clients are hired quickly and I have helped over 6500 professionals find employment fast. Your employer will naturally give you the credit for an outstanding résumé and cover letter. Most importantly your résumé is a tool for marketing your unique value and return on investment, not a typewritten work history as so many seem to think. Today, your résumé must be written specifically with your targeted career goal in mind and your employer's needs in mind. That way you will be winning interviews right from the beginning. Generic résumés are dead.
The bottom line is an experienced résumé writing expert has the experience and professional skills to make sure your job search is over in one-third the normal time. You should know that every week you are unemployed, another $1000 to $2500 in take home pay is lost minimum. Therefore, if your normal job hunt length matches the average of 12-18 months, the financial loss is at least $52,000 to $100,000. By cutting your job search time by two thirds you would save at least $35,000. That is just a conservative average. If you are a high income earner, even reducing your job search by six months (1/3 the normal job search length), would save you $54,000 minimum based on earnings of $100,000 per year. This is just one reason why your résumé is likely the most important document you own. The other is most hiring managers have the ability to pay you either a below the average salary for your profession or 20% above the average salary for your profession. That is a $20,000 to $40,000 range for most professionals and it is based mostly on your résumé.
Because employers only pick the top 5% of résumés for interviews, the best way to stop the (financial) bleeding is to hire an expert résumé writer directly (no middleman markup). You will need a true professional who is focused on helping you attain your career goals vs. a part-time hack. Cheap and fast typists and online resume builders are focused on mass-producing those dreadfully weak typewritten work histories, so avoid them like the plague. You will also want to steer clear of the big companies that offer resume writing services online because they outsource to foreign typists exclusively focused on mass document production to maximize their profit (American English? Grammar? Spelling? No way not for $7/day). To succeed in this job market you must use a top 5% resume, Linkedin profile and cover letter. Thus, you need to find and hire a genuine High-Performance Résumé Writer with credentials, actual hiring experience, business acumen and full-time dedication.
Yes, résumé writing certifications are a great start, but they are just the beginning of what you want to see. Any expert résumé writer should be able to back up his/her claims with actual evidence (see FAQs page and LinkedIn recommendations), have experience as a hiring manager/recruiter, show résumé samples and they will always offer an in-depth personal interview. The bottom line is the employers who do the recruiting and hiring rely on résumés, Linkedin profiles and cover letters to weed out the less qualified, less passionate and less intelligent. Therefore, if you want to improve your chances of being hired quickly, your résumé, Linkedin profile and cover letter must provide a convincing and compelling case for you to be hired. Further, every hiring manager/executive has 20% up or down leeway in your starting salary. On a $80,000 salary, that is +16,000 to -$16,000. Wouldn't you rather earn $96,000 vs. $64,000?
Remember, if you are not getting enough interviews, 95% of the time your résumé is to blame. If your résumé is subpar to merely ordinary mass distribution will not help. You might have all the skills, talents and abilities in the world, still if you do not earn employment interviews you are going to remain unemployed. Now honestly, when you compare the average cost of a great résumé at $500 to the cost of your lost wages for six months, hiring a pro to write your résumé and cover letter is a worthwhile investment in your successful future. Please, wake up and help yourself now instead of waiting 7-12 months to find out your résumé is not working. Time is money. For those of you who feel your résumé is already great, take advantage of my free résumé review service via email ([email protected]) to confirm this because you might benefit from an expert second opinion and/or proofreading services.
If there are any issues with your current resume/Linkedin profile, I will find them and let you know even if it is only $15 worth of proofreading. Now you can stop wondering how the competition was hired for the job you wanted. Delegate your résumé writing to a proven high-performance résumé writer who understands how to cater to applicant tracking systems, search engines and employer preferences. Your résumé, cover letter and Linkedin profile aka career documents are the foundation of your job hunt and time is money.
Why wouldn't you want to be winning right from the beginning in your job search? Guarantee your victory by calling Darrell Z. DiZoglio, Executive Résumé Writer/Certified Professional Résumé Writer in N. Dallas, Texas at 469.540.0455 today, set up an interview appointment and change your destiny.
By Darrell Z. DiZoglio of http://RighteousResumes.com Copyright 2019 by Darrell DiZoglio, all rights reserved.
Guidance and assistance from a Certified Professional Résumé Writer will allow you to overcome those job search hurdles. Should you have one of the many résumé challenges like changing careers or transitioning from the military to a civilian career, do not even dream of writing your own résumé. Some other complex challenges would include: Immigrants, limited command of English or writing, employment gaps, career changes, very competitive fields, just rejoining workforce after taking care of the family, a challenging niche/industry, frequent job changes, frequent temporary/contract work, self-employed transitioning to employed, technical résumés, executive résumés, too modest to market and sell yourself, too ordinary and industry downturn challenges.
We have faced these challenges before. We researched them, trained for them and solved them repeatedly, so take advantage of our affordable expertise. Remember all our fees are tax deductible as job hunting expenses including job search coaching. More importantly, we are here to help.
It seems that most job hunters today are blissfully unaware that subpar to ordinary résumés and Linkedin profiles merely put them in the employer's database with of tens of thousands of other candidates. Ironically, employers have never been more fixated on hiring only the top 5% of candidates. That is a big disconnect. This is why I am dedicated to giving away free expert advice, tips and strategies that are proven to assist job hunters on HowToFindWorkNow.org. My mission is to be a Christian Soldier in the war on poverty.
Résumés and cover letters that are merely ordinary do not get the job done, especially in this job market. As a hiring manager and a recruiter for over a decade, I insisted on hiring the best talent available. I quickly came to the realization that 95% of folks just do not know their résumé and/or Linkedin profile is either mediocre or dreadful when compared next to an excellent one. When you hire a Certified High-Performance Résumé Writer, you can expect plenty of emails/calls for employment interviews.
When you invest in a professionally written résumé from an expert résumé writer, you can expect to earn a higher salary because our mission is to build your value and show your return on investment. Best of all, most of my clients are hired quickly and I have helped over 6500 professionals find employment fast. Your employer will naturally give you the credit for an outstanding résumé and cover letter. Most importantly your résumé is a tool for marketing your unique value and return on investment, not a typewritten work history as so many seem to think. Today, your résumé must be written specifically with your targeted career goal in mind and your employer's needs in mind. That way you will be winning interviews right from the beginning. Generic résumés are dead.
The bottom line is an experienced résumé writing expert has the experience and professional skills to make sure your job search is over in one-third the normal time. You should know that every week you are unemployed, another $1000 to $2500 in take home pay is lost minimum. Therefore, if your normal job hunt length matches the average of 12-18 months, the financial loss is at least $52,000 to $100,000. By cutting your job search time by two thirds you would save at least $35,000. That is just a conservative average. If you are a high income earner, even reducing your job search by six months (1/3 the normal job search length), would save you $54,000 minimum based on earnings of $100,000 per year. This is just one reason why your résumé is likely the most important document you own. The other is most hiring managers have the ability to pay you either a below the average salary for your profession or 20% above the average salary for your profession. That is a $20,000 to $40,000 range for most professionals and it is based mostly on your résumé.
Because employers only pick the top 5% of résumés for interviews, the best way to stop the (financial) bleeding is to hire an expert résumé writer directly (no middleman markup). You will need a true professional who is focused on helping you attain your career goals vs. a part-time hack. Cheap and fast typists and online resume builders are focused on mass-producing those dreadfully weak typewritten work histories, so avoid them like the plague. You will also want to steer clear of the big companies that offer resume writing services online because they outsource to foreign typists exclusively focused on mass document production to maximize their profit (American English? Grammar? Spelling? No way not for $7/day). To succeed in this job market you must use a top 5% resume, Linkedin profile and cover letter. Thus, you need to find and hire a genuine High-Performance Résumé Writer with credentials, actual hiring experience, business acumen and full-time dedication.
Yes, résumé writing certifications are a great start, but they are just the beginning of what you want to see. Any expert résumé writer should be able to back up his/her claims with actual evidence (see FAQs page and LinkedIn recommendations), have experience as a hiring manager/recruiter, show résumé samples and they will always offer an in-depth personal interview. The bottom line is the employers who do the recruiting and hiring rely on résumés, Linkedin profiles and cover letters to weed out the less qualified, less passionate and less intelligent. Therefore, if you want to improve your chances of being hired quickly, your résumé, Linkedin profile and cover letter must provide a convincing and compelling case for you to be hired. Further, every hiring manager/executive has 20% up or down leeway in your starting salary. On a $80,000 salary, that is +16,000 to -$16,000. Wouldn't you rather earn $96,000 vs. $64,000?
Remember, if you are not getting enough interviews, 95% of the time your résumé is to blame. If your résumé is subpar to merely ordinary mass distribution will not help. You might have all the skills, talents and abilities in the world, still if you do not earn employment interviews you are going to remain unemployed. Now honestly, when you compare the average cost of a great résumé at $500 to the cost of your lost wages for six months, hiring a pro to write your résumé and cover letter is a worthwhile investment in your successful future. Please, wake up and help yourself now instead of waiting 7-12 months to find out your résumé is not working. Time is money. For those of you who feel your résumé is already great, take advantage of my free résumé review service via email ([email protected]) to confirm this because you might benefit from an expert second opinion and/or proofreading services.
If there are any issues with your current resume/Linkedin profile, I will find them and let you know even if it is only $15 worth of proofreading. Now you can stop wondering how the competition was hired for the job you wanted. Delegate your résumé writing to a proven high-performance résumé writer who understands how to cater to applicant tracking systems, search engines and employer preferences. Your résumé, cover letter and Linkedin profile aka career documents are the foundation of your job hunt and time is money.
Why wouldn't you want to be winning right from the beginning in your job search? Guarantee your victory by calling Darrell Z. DiZoglio, Executive Résumé Writer/Certified Professional Résumé Writer in N. Dallas, Texas at 469.540.0455 today, set up an interview appointment and change your destiny.